Our employees are our family, and Middle Way Cafe is always looking for friendly, service minded people to help us fulfill our mission. We may have a range of positions open at any given time, from management and professional track to entry level positions for people wanting to take their first steps into food service.
We post current job openings on Anchorage Craigslist; see the link below. We will accept applications anytime however, so don’t be shy. Apply!
You may download an application here and submit it in person to Middle Way Staff anytime. Please fill the application out completely. If you would like to bend the ear of a manager while submitting your application, please do so before or after our busy weekday lunch or after 2pm on weekends.
If we think your application has merit and we want to talk with you more, we will call you. Don’t feel bad if we don’t call you, however, as we may have just hired someone for the position you were interested in or we may not have that position available at that time. Try, try again my gramma always said!
Thanks for your interest in working at Middle Way and all the best!